Marilyn Manson, Wembley Arena, London

We headed to Wembley quite late, as we’d been out for a walk on the South Coast with Betty (my parents Basset Hound). We managed to catch the end of Amazonica‘s set, something we were more than happy to miss. Lets be frank here, what is the difference between a DJ playing on stage or a spotify playlist? DJs are great in a club setting but crap at a gig. If you’re going to have a DJ then the best way to do it is to have them play at the side of the stage, in between the acts.

We were quite a way back during Amazonica and felt it was time to find a better spot for Marilyn Manson, one which was located right down the front of the venue. Manson’s recent injury has meant he’s got a protective boot on his right leg which hampers his movment around the stage. This hasn’t stopped the show from working, in a way it’s improved as his first couple of songs are performed in a mechanical wheelchair. He’s then joined on stage for the remainder of the set with 2 medics who help him around the stage with various hospital props.

They weren’t the only people to join the stage tonight, Johnny Depp also made a guest appearance on guitar for both The Dope Show & Beautiful People.

The set was short tonight with just thirteen tracks, but given his current injuries I don’t really have any problem with that, it is better than the show getting cancelled. All in all a good gig, and far better than the time I saw Manson at Brixton Academy a few years back.

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