Jonathan Davis, Islington Academy, London

I wasn’t expecting too much from Jonathan Davis new album Black Labyrinth when it was announced, in fact on first listen I thought it was OK, but along with the new Ghost album I’ve found myself returning to it a lot and it was even better live. If you’ve yet to check it out then I highly recommend it.

Support tonight came from In Search Of Sun, they did OK, didn’t find anything wrong with them until the attempted the dreaded “everyone get down…” No mate it’s been done, you need to earn that from years of touring and you haven’t. In fact there’s only a couple of bands I think can still do it, Skunk Anansie being one of them. Everyone else should just stop it.

Jonathan Davis is joined by 5 others on stage including Korn’s drummer Ray Luzier. Seeing both a double bass and violin played for metal is both interesting and entertaining at the same time. His set is more or less the whole album with a couple of older tracks included.

This was easily the best show I’ve seen at Islington Academy, hands down. in fact it’s one of my gigs of the year so far.

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